Dr. Jennifer Klutt


+49 171 4127580

Dr. Jennifer Klutt works as a consultant in the field of transformation & business technology. As an experienced project manager, she advises and supports organizations in their digital transformation. Her focus is on organizational development initiatives, especially in the HR area. 
Jennifer studied business administration at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen with a focus on organization, human resources and corporate management and subsequently completed her doctorate in this field.
With her pronounced customer orientation, Jennifer focuses on people and their needs and also supports transformation initiatives with change management and communication strategies in order to reach all those affected and integrate them into change processes to the best of her ability. As a consultant, she and her team focus on current issues such as: “How is the organization currently set up? Where is there potential for optimization? What organizational adjustments can we make to best develop an organization? How can I best involve employees in the change process?”

Core competencies:

  • Organizational development & target operating model
  • HR transformation
  • Change management & communication
  • Project management & leadership of interdisciplinary project teams