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About us

Detecon Consulting Ltd. is a wholly owned foreign subsidiary (WFOE) of Detecon International GmbH. Detecon supports its clients in the development of innovative business models and corporate strategies in the telecommunications, automotive, and high-tech industries as well as in the public sector. The range of services includes strategy development and implementation, process improvement, ICT strategy development and implementation, and interim and transformation management.

Detecon China is a subsidiary of Detecon International, one of the world's leading consulting companies in the field of ICT and management consulting. Headquartered in Germany, Detecon Int. today employs more than 1,000 people at 15 locations worldwide. Detecon Consulting Co. Ltd China has been active on the Chinese market since 2001 and has established itself as an integral part of the Chinese automotive industry with projects for companies from all sectors of the automotive industry.



Our consulting approach for the automotive industry

The automotive industry has to offer more and more product variants at the same price, is confronted with shorter product life cycles and has higher customer demands on quality and service. It also has to manage global complex value chains with its value creation sites in China. Besides a strong brand, efficient cooperation with suppliers becomes a critical success factor, i.e. lean, flexible and ICT-supported supply chains in real time are required to manage the flow of goods efficiently. In addition, the internal complexity of processes and applications must be reduced in order to derive competitive advantages.

Detecon's consulting approach combines the specific business strategy with efficient solutions for organisation, processes and ICT, including strategies for value network and partnership management, business process outsourcing assessments and IT application landscapes that are in line with business objectives. In this context, our technological expertise and methodological know-how lies particularly in the areas of Customer Relationship Management, Human Resources, Finance & Controlling and Supply Chain Improvement approaches. The results of our consulting projects are shorter innovation and product life cycles, closer networking with partners along the value chain and leaner application landscapes.


"Changing the Guards"

The ICT-enabled transformation of healthcare is certain to occur in the coming years as major factors such as an ageing population and rising costs become overwhelmingly critical issues that require solutions. The creation of an integrated information and communication infrastructure that connects healthcare stakeholders will greatly increase efficiency. ICT-based health systems will serve as searchable medical databases with open interfaces. The intelligent networking of a multitude of such databases will create a medical "smart grid". This will not only reduce costs but also improve medical practice, stimulate research into new medicines and provide better data on how medicines are actually taken and how they interact with other medicines. Linking electronic patient records with drug discovery systems will also enable the efficiency of innovation management in research and development to be increased.

As a leading ICT management consultancy with access to the latest trends in information technology and telecommunications, as well as leading knowledge of the evolution of the healthcare industry, Detecon supports its clients in developing successful intelligent networking strategies that enable the creation of a medical smart grid. In addition, the company can help implement state-of-the-art ICT solutions that enable optimised medical and administrative processes.


Innovation, flexibility and brand management as a saving anchor

Global competition, increasing diversity of variants and decreasing brand loyalty are the striking characteristics of the automotive industry: it is exposed to unrestrained cost pressure as a result of global competition. Customers expect more and better performance for the same money. To stand out from emerging competitors in China, India and Eastern European countries, innovative products, flexibility in order processing and value-oriented customer relationship management as well as efficient structures and processes are the key to success.

As a leading ICT management consultancy, we help our clients optimise their organisation and processes and adapt their IT systems to best support their business operations. We plan the organisational and technical implementation with them and support them in realigning the IT infrastructure, transforming their applications to a uniform IT standard, designing procurement management or planning sophisticated dialogue and campaign marketing. In all our projects, we never lose sight of one goal: sustainable, profitable growth for our customers!


Integrated management and technology consulting

Saturated markets in big cities, the conquest of rural areas, increasing user mobility and the introduction of new technologies such as 3G or 4G are the key challenges for Chinese telecom operators in the coming years. In addition, the convergence of fixed and mobile operations and the evolution towards IP-based networks are forcing operators to improve and even restructure their operations. In addition, the integration of information and entertainment services that provide news, video clips, ringtones and games for download on the go plays an important role. Whether and which customers are willing to spend how much money for which services is the decisive question.

Detecon offers integrated management and technology consulting for global network operators. We provide support in the analysis, design, selection, implementation and operation of communication platforms of all kinds. This service includes the evaluation of innovative trends and usage scenarios for end devices and systems for network management, operational support and billing. Value-added services, tariff optimisation and customer relationship management are measures to counter the pressure of the market on the business of telecommunications operators.

Consulting Areas


ERP - Trends in the digital transformation

What influence will trends such as Industry 4.0, Cloud and new IT technologies have on the development of the ERP landscape? There are still many uncertainties, but one thing is certain: there are huge upheavals ahead for companies' ERP landscapes.

In particular, Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution, will change the importance and role of ERP. However, Detecon sees the opportunities that ERP systems will continue to offer in their role as backbone and hub for the networking of systems, services, etc. in the course of the digital transformation.

With the development of ERP apps and cloud ERP, monolithic ERP landscapes and their all-encompassing functionalities are eroding. Companies need to react faster than ever to changing market requirements and customer needs. This requires more flexible processes and more dynamic IT support.

In general, every company is looking for professional portfolio management of applications. Detecon begins with an analysis of the existing system landscape and takes a close look at its functionalities, licences and providers. An individual application is always considered in the context of its life cycle and as part of a portfolio of logically related systems.


Knowing what customers really want

Long-term and profitable customer relationships are the key to market success. Our consulting portfolio ranges from the definition of the CRM strategy to the design of customised CRM applications and process design. In doing so, we take into account customer and interaction-oriented topics such as customer service, sales and campaign management, customer retention and loyalty management, crossover design of sales and service channels as well as the design of a consistent customer experience across all contact points.

Managing the customer experience

Although customer satisfaction is loudly proclaimed as a noble goal everywhere today, many customers still experience poor service. Companies seem to be slow to address complaints (sometimes they even seem to ignore them altogether), and customers have to explain their problems from the beginning and over and over again. Such a major negative event can quickly become a so-called "moment of truth", a focal point that has a decisive impact on customer loyalty. But if employees and companies react appropriately to the situation and exceed their customers' expectations, even an initially negative trigger can be transformed into a positive customer experience.

Social media and customer self-service

Whether we like it or not, markets have become a topic of conversation. Customers browsing the internet are increasingly informed and choosy. Generation Y uses the highly flexible interactive and mobile communication technologies without hesitation and demands individual and high-quality customer service. At the same time, however, customers are becoming more price-sensitive, which further increases the pressure on companies in the fierce competition to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

The key success criteria for offering these services are customer orientation, multi-channel perspective and a strategic, value-based approach to contact management. From the customer's perspective, self-services must be simple, clear and secure in terms of data protection. Two trends are significant in this context. On the one hand, the customer service of the future will have a high degree of automation due to the increased integration of self-services. On the other hand, social media make it possible to collaborate with customers and to shape the service process together with them.


Control through measurability and transparency

Effective management of a company includes the effective organisation of financial functions and the early identification of risks. The focus is on the fast and reliable provision of decision- and control-relevant information for stakeholders and top management. Key areas of action include support for restructuring, the implementation of cost efficiency programmes, the creation of a transparent control logic and the fulfilment of internal and external compliance requirements. Transparent planning and standardised reporting as well as functional internal control systems serve to analyse and control processes and risks.

Detecon also contributes best practices for structures and processes in accounting and controlling. Relevant information must be made available efficiently and in high quality, and repetitive tasks must be transformed into business-oriented activities that contribute to value creation in terms of content. This can only be ensured efficiently if information processes and tools are automated and controlling structures are harmonised.

Our specialisation at the interface between finance and IT makes us the ideal partner for ensuring the consistency of the information provided and the successful establishment of efficient and integrated accounting and financial reporting. All these factors together form the basis for increasing efficiency, reducing costs and ensuring effective corporate management in the long term.

Our services:

  • Benchmarks and best practice approaches for financial processes and organisation.
  • Creation of an organisational concept for the finance department
  • Creation of the concept and implementation of key performance indicator systems
  • Design and optimisation of strategic and operational planning, budgeting, reporting and forecasting systems
  • Optimisation of accounting processes
  • Optimisation of closing processes/fast close
  • Financial data management, including optimisation of transactional IT systems
  • Control and reduction of costs; early warning systems
  • Benchmarks for internal and external costs
  • Working capital management
  • CAPEX optimisation
  • Project portfolio management


Technology strategy sets the course

The speed of innovation in communication and information technologies as well as the complexity of markets are increasing rapidly. In view of these dynamics, the decision on the concrete technology strategy or a corresponding migration between strategies is one of the most difficult aspects of corporate management because it also sets the long-term course for one's own competitive position. Detecon has globally experienced ICT industry experts and teams with comprehensive strategic, organisational and technological know-how. Based on this, our experts develop homogeneous technology and portfolio strategies for ICT-based products and services. The planned use of technologies is always oriented towards the specific business strategies and goals.


Digitise business processes

Efficient and flexibly adaptable business processes are the dream of every manager. Many believe that it will always remain a dream. But the digitalisation of business processes is advancing inexorably. Companies that are not able to quickly adapt their business processes to changing market requirements will soon be sidelined. The demand for new products and services is relentless.

Subject-oriented BPM for dynamically designed business processes

Business processes are both a curse and a blessing for companies. If a company has its processes fully under control, it will perform brilliantly. But a company that has to think about extensive and cost-intensive IT projects for every necessary process adjustment constantly runs the risk of falling far behind the top group. Subject-oriented business process management gives process users the opportunity to design their processes themselves and adapt them to current requirements at any time. The focus is on the individual actors and their process-related communication relationships.

Digitising business processes

Detecon offers noticeable agility through the digitalisation of business processes on the basis of subject-oriented business process management. Our services range from quickly accessible standard tools to the implementation of business process management. We combine the strengths of the two approaches of classic and subject-oriented business process management. You can generate process solutions for operational practice in a short time and expand them step by step later. Each of these steps fills one of the white spots in your business process landscape.

Organisational anchoring

Groundbreaking technology strategies ultimately require an adequate design of the organisational structures: based on benchmarks, Detecon strategically realigns the entire ICT organisation if necessary. Our specialists also design customised processes and performance measurement systems for complex technology service portfolios which firmly anchor the selected strategy in the structural and procedural organisation. In addition, they create guidelines for the use of technologies and conduct comprehensive analyses for strategic sourcing.


More than just a blueprint for IT

Does your company react less flexibly to change than the competition? Do you always feel that IT is a bottleneck? Is it difficult to get important information for strategic decisions easily and always up-to-date? Then you have a typical enterprise architecture problem

Every company has an architecture - the organisational logic for business processes and IT systems. But often it is more of a hindrance than a benefit. And despite unanimous agreement on the target architecture, many transformation projects ultimately fail because of a lack of clarity about the exact structure of the individual projects. There is a lack of a clear view of the critical dependencies and the necessary knowledge about the connections between corporate strategy and the IT landscape. EAM not only creates transparency, but also offers methods and processes that enable business and IT to march in step. The goal: lasting competitive advantages. Discover these rewarding fields of action with us!


Design and operation of future-proof IT services

Modern IT production platforms should have a high degree of automation and standardisation in order to realise meaningful cost effects. With advancing standardisation, the focus is on streamlining processes, infrastructures and applications and largely moving away from the production of handmade services. The primary goal of automation is to provide a service that requires as little manual intervention as possible from start to finish. Although political and organisational dimensions play a role, it is primarily the future architecture of data centres that will have a significant influence on flexibility, agility and productivity. Innovative technologies will be the factor that opens the door to new use cases and business opportunities.

Our Projects in China

Gemeinsam mit unsern Kunden haben wir in den letzten Jahren bedeutende Erfolge erzielt und den Wissenstransfer in mehr als 6000 Projekten in über 160 Ländern für mehr als 1400 Kunden sichergestellt.

Unsere Fallstudien bieten Ihnen einzigartige Einblicke in die Art und Weise, wie wir die Herausforderungen unserer Kunden gelöst haben und wie wir einen Mehrwert für das Geschäft unserer Kunden schaffen. Die Fallstudien befassen sich mit verschiedenen Themen der Automobilbranche in China. Wenn Sie sie lesen, werden Sie verstehen, warum unsere Kunden auf unsere umfassende Branchenkenntnis vertrauen.

BMW Brilliance Automotive

BMW Group China

Where to find us

Detecon Consulting Co., Ltd.
Apartment No. 041 & 042,
Entrance No. 1 at Sanlitun Diplomatic Office Building Compound
Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District
100600 Beijing - PR China
Phone: +86 10 58157300
Fax: +86 10 85324080

Other locations in China


Get in touch with us

Dr. Stefan Weigand
Managing Partner | Detecon China
+86 10