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Our Goal: Your Success in a Digital World

Telecommunications providers are now in the midst of the second wave of digitalisation: highly reliable connectivity is the basis for our digital life and work - and thus a crucial factor for the future competitiveness of companies and national economies.

It is only logical that industrial policy and regulation are exercising an ever greater influence on the telecommunications ecosystem: Commerce driven by the internet and data is governed by increasingly strict regulations while security, public control, and questions of ethics are gaining in importance.

How do you ensure future-oriented corporate governance in this environment? We show how these developments will generate opportunities for telecommunications providers and identify specific focal points for action. Our experts, backed by their more than 40 years of experience in telecommunications consulting, will counsel you individually.

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Best practice for 5G

Our solutions are aligned with the requirements of the connected world of the future - for low latency and high capacity service offerings.

Our Service Portfolio

Tailored to our clients

Our service portfolio is based on seven levers that enable telecommunications providers to master digitalisation and operate successfully in the market in this decade.

Strategic positioning

Detecon has systematically analysed the positioning alternatives for network operators: they basically have the choice between a more infrastructure-oriented business, which we call “digital infra provider,” or a business model that continues to include the service layer and that we have named “network centric digital service provider.” The different positioning options can be mapped along the value chain. Which positioning are you aiming for? Talk to us about your strategic objective so that we can pave the way for you to achieve it!

Integrated network infrastructure

The network infrastructure is the heart of a carrier's operations. New technologies and changing market requirements genereate new opportunities to provide the best possible quality at the lowest possible cost. Detecon describes the paths that lead to the efficient, convergent and QoS-based expansion of mobile and fixed network infrastructures: new technologies for access networks such as satellites or campus networks, access disaggregation of hardware and software, integrated and demand-oriented planning approaches as well as diverse possibilities for cooperation and network sharing. We are your specialist - contact us! 

Click here for more information on infrastructures.

Modern network concepts

Modern network concepts enable carriers to acquire a greater share of the added value from digitalisation and to employ unique selling propositions to set themselves apart from hyperscalers. Our experts advise you on modern mobile network concepts such as 5G and 6G, cloudification and edge computing, softwareification (SDN, NFV, orchestration) and network slicing. We show you here how to make the transition to a network-centric digital service provider with an ecosystem of mobile, fixed and converged network access as well as cloud-based services.


The investment in 5G and fibre is driving a multitude of wholesale partnerships at different points along the value chain, bringing integrated operators together with wholesale companies and OTTs. Convergence as well as regulatory change continue to grow the importance of wholesale in the telecommunications landscape. Convergence, fixed and mobile partnerships, blockchain and regulation are our topics. Find out more here

Innovation & Partnering

In both business and private environments, the demands for connectivity are increasing. Many use cases closely related to connectivity are in contrast to offered services that have been only partially digitalized. This is a window of opportunity for offerings creating real added value for carriers through targeted innovations. 

Cooperation with partners is a decisive factor for Carrier - it is the only way to realise an attractive portfolio with holistic solutions. With the right partnering approaches, carriers strengthen their central role in the digital ecosystem, actively shape it - and secure the all-important direct customer contact.

Customer centricity

A compelling and differentiated customer experience is a comparative competitive advantage for leading companies. Positioning of this nature is essential today, especially for digital service providers, if they are to survive in the competitive environment. Our concept of customer centricity is the decisive enabler for this. You can find out how to tap into this potential here.

We help you create outstanding and differentiating customer experiences at all touchpoints through Customer Excellence Management.

Agile work environments

On their way to an economically stable future, carriers must optimise the internal opportunities within the company. We see the active design of corporate structures and working environments with agile methods and New Work as just as promising as concepts of skills optimisation. Read here how to transform your company into an agile organisation! 

New Study Results Based on the Digital Maturity Model

Detecon has developed the Digital Maturity Model together with TM Forum. It offers a structured and holistic approach to implementing a digital transformation.

To analyze the digital maturity of telecommunications companies, we applied the Digital Maturity Model in workshops and surveys with clients in four different regions: Asia, Europe, Central Africa and South Africa, East and North Africa. Click here for the results!