
Trends for the Next Decade #5

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Future Learning

How can you shape the qualification of your employees in a future-oriented way? The digital transformation and the new normal are forcing companies to place the topic of skills development in a new strategic focus. New business models, technologies and processes as well as remote working place new demands on the competence profile of employees and require the continuous development of soft and hard digital competences. Companies must actively shape the competence development of their employees with future-oriented processes, methods and learning formats in order to secure the company's success in the long term.

Our Recommended Actions

  • Develop a future-oriented job architecture and make suitable learning formats available on-demand.
  • Break up the two-class society in terms of learning between employees and managers and integrate knowledge in the company at all employee levels.
  • Focus on employees' strengths, leverage them and support their personal development.
  • Look behind the method and instrument level and consider different learning types and the individual learning ability of your employees.
  • Support the sustainability of learning through Learning Journeys: Impulses, multi-optionality in the use of media, repetition and use of what has been learned in practice.