

  • Our Approach
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Agile Means Change

Introduce products to the market faster through enhanced quality, reduced risks, and more satisfied employees. The concrete realization of “agile” goes far beyond the introduction of a methodology: agility requires a comprehensive change in the culture and the collaboration model of an organization.

Agile principles such as self-organization, early and regular delivery of results, feedback loops, and regular optimization of cooperative activities require a fundamental change in the system that must be demanded and encouraged by management. Experience with our clients and the results of studies clearly demonstrate that agile methods in companies can achieve significantly greater success than traditional project management procedures.

To ensure that agility becomes a model of success for you and does not turn out to be no more than a worn-out “buzz word,” we assume the roles of partners and advisors in support of our clients and collaborate with you in the design of your personal agile collaboration model.

Success Factors of Agility

We can point to numerous successes for our clients from the use of agile approaches:

  • Acquired knowledge and changes are adopted and realized more quickly and efficiently.
  • Products/services are introduced to market incrementally and faster.
  • Employees contribute creative ideas, act more independently, are in close contact with one another, and have more fun at work.
  • The added value for customers is constantly re-examined, and activities are oriented to the results.

Our Holistic Approach

For us, agile transformation means more than just introducing structures and processes. Regardless of whether you want to agilize just one project, a whole program, or your entire company — we support your adaptation of agile methods with our holistic approach.

Creating value for your customers and your organization is always at the heart of our work. Moreover, close collaboration with your employees is a pillar of agile transformation for us.

Our Portfolio

Our portfolio gives you options for a customized design of agile methods. It is divided into four areas: cultural change, organizational change, skill building, and operational support. Thanks to this structure, we can offer you a modular portfolio that is tailored to your needs.

Cultural Change

Agility presumes a different kind of culture than the one commonly found in companies today. Cultural change requires conviction and understanding of values and principles aimed at promoting business success and employee satisfaction. We go through our Agility Maturity Check with you to determine the extent to which your culture is already compatible with an agile mentality. By determining the maturity level for each and every aspect of an agile culture, we can all act together to derive specific measures. We collaborate with you in working out the necessary changes during workshops tailored to your requirements for agile leadership (target group: managers) and agile mindset (target group: all employees). We are always at your side with agile coaching during realization of cultural change.

Organizational Change

The foundation of an organizational change is the development of an agile control model appropriate to your needs and objectives. In cooperation with you, our experienced agile coaches and agile transformation experts draft an agile collaboration model that is the right fit for your business model. As necessary, we will work with you to develop a suitable control and budgeting approach, e.g., applying the OKR method that has proved its effectiveness for our clients.

We will be delighted to support you during the creation of an Agile Center of Excellence to coordinate your agile transformation and an Agile Coach Network to support its work so that you can continue the development of your agile project independently throughout the organization.

Our agile coaches are characterized by their merger of the two types of coach — the trainer and the systemic coach — yet supplement these roles with those of other activities such as facilitator, organizational developer, and mentor. Our agile coaches are thoroughly familiar with agile methods, tools, values, and principles from their own experience and support their coachees in learning agile working methods and internalizing agile values.

Building Skills


Success means for us the sustainable success of your agile project. Our experience has proved to us that the steady acquisition of agile skills by your employees is essential for this success. Depending on the maturity level of the specific skill, we support you with agile basic and expert training programs. We work with you to create a comprehensive agile learning journey for your employees that, depending on your requirements, can include both digital and classroom formats so that learning becomes a self-evident element. We offer agile certification training programs based on the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) as supplementary or stand-alone events. If your plans also involve technical development, we recommend the use of DevOps training programs. All our trainers are consultants with extensive experience in agile projects and transformations, i.e., our training programs are characterized by high practical relevance.

Operational Support

As necessary, we will be happy to support you in the operational implementation of your agile project by assuming agile roles. The high level of practical experience of our agile coaches, scrum masters, product owners, DevOps experts, etc. helps you to reach a higher maturity level faster. Our goal is to communicate the relevant experience to your employees (e.g., by acting as peers) so that their independence grows steadily. Along with the complete assumption of roles, we offer support for separate sub-projects such as the organization and moderation of big room planning, retrospectives, etc.

Get in touch with us

Daniel Kraus-Ihlow
Senior Manager
+49 89