
New Work

  • New Working Worlds
  • Our Services
  • Your Contact

New What?

New market conditions, rapidly changing customer needs, digital transformation everywhere - even before COVID-19, companies increasingly had to face new challenges. And to cope with them with regard to their employees and customers. The needs of employees as well as their demand for an inspiring and functional working environment were already moving into the centre of attention.

The Corona crisis further intensifies this pressure to act, accelerates reforms and at the same time changes the previous reality of New Work. Because even companies that have already set out into the new world of work have to ask themselves again how they want to work (together) in the future. Whether it is to increase the satisfaction and productivity of employees or to increase savings potential.

New Working Worlds

Against this background, the current situation can be seen as a unique opportunity to rethink new working worlds and ways of working from the ground up. We would like to advise you in this regard with the help of our New Work approach. This comprises four equally important dimensions:

  1. Organisation & Framework
  2. Places & Spaces
  3. Tools & Technologies
  4. People & Engagement

At the centre of this is the so-called Activity Based Working. This is both a prerequisite and the result of a holistic New Normal/New Work implementation. This means that an employee can choose the optimal working environment for each activity. It is important to develop an overall concept that fits the company, its current situation and its strategy.

Our Services

Is there more to New Work than hip premises? What if our employees demand mobile working even after COVID-19? How do we prepare our employees and managers for the future world of work?

Together we will find answers to your questions and develop a working culture and environment that will help us to react faster and more flexibly to social, economic and technological demands in the future.

  • Carrying out a New Work Readiness Check
  • Development of a vision for future work in the company
  • Development of use cases and personas
  • Survey of a needs analysis
  • Development of a holistic, company-specific New Work concept along our four dimensions (Organisation & Framework, Places & Spaces, Tools & Technologies, People & Engagement)
  • Creation of space concepts, guidelines for IT equipment and model company agreements
  • Development and implementation of measures for managers and employees to change culture
  • Support in negotiations with the social partner
  • Holistic transformation support through development and implementation of an overarching change and communication framework

Get in touch with us

Dr. Tanja Matt
Senior Manager
+49 89