
HR Transformation

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Shaping the HR organization of the future today

The ever-changing world of work is constantly presenting new challenges for human resources departments. The continuing rapid pace of digitalization, the rise of artificial intelligence, global crises and the "war for talent" demand a high degree of adaptability and flexibility from companies and HR departments.

To meet these demands, HR organizations need to critically rethink their strategies, structures, processes and products. With our unique combination of digital, technical and HR expertise, we support our clients in making their HR organization fit for the future. Our experts analyse the maturity level of the HR organization and help transform processes and products along the entire employee lifecycle.

Thanks to our extensive experience in global HR projects in various industries, we develop sustainable and future-proof solutions for our clients.

Our Expertise

HR Strategy and Organization

What will the working world of the future look like? And how can HR prepare for it?

Our experts design tailor-made HR strategies and support our clients in developing an HR operating model that is suitable for implementation. We accompany them from the design to the implementation phase, placing particular emphasis on individual priorities - from increasing efficiency to customer value.

People Analytics

How can potential for improvement be identified as precisely as possible? What role will data play in the HR organization of the future?

Together with our clients, we design data infrastructures for HR departments that make data-based, strategic decisions possible using HR data. In this way, we help organizations to achieve analytical excellence in HR departments and to develop from a business service provider to a strategic advisor.

Skill Transformation

What skills and competencies will be needed in the working world of tomorrow? How can existing skills be used and developed in the best possible way?

The changing world of work is leading to new and constantly changing demands on the skills of the workforce. Our experts provide support in precisely identifying existing skills, analyzing gaps and efficiently allocating resources within the company. By identifying critical future skills, we work with our clients to develop future-proof requirements planning and strategies to achieve set goals.

Workforce and HR Management

Which indicators are meaningful when it comes to employee performance? And how do you design a motivating and sustainable incentive system?

In order to develop the full potential of employees, the best possible HR organization and efficient design of HR processes are essential. Whether compensation & benefits, performance management or learning - our experts are happy to support you in the optimal design of HR processes and products.

Recruiting and Talent Management

How do I find suitable employees despite the "war for talent"? How can top performers be retained and promoted in the long term?

The "war for talent" is one of the biggest challenges facing companies today. We support our clients in designing a holistic talent journey, with our consulting services focusing in particular on recruitment, employee retention & experience and high-potential development.

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