
Agile Strategy

Options for action in dynamic markets
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Agility in strategy development and implementation

In today's business world, companies are faced with increasing volatility. The ability to adapt quickly to unpredictable events and constantly changing environments is crucial for long-term business success. Traditional, rigid strategies are no longer sufficient. In this environment, agile approaches to strategy development have an important role to play.

Agility enables companies to change their direction and approach quickly and effectively, as required and in line with current circumstances. Through continuous adjustments, changes are seen as opportunities at an early stage before they become obstacles. Agile strategy development supports this flexibility and is accompanied by agile management, culture and work processes.

Agile strategy in practice

We help our clients build the necessary organizational capabilities and chart their course in a dynamic environment - to reap the benefits of strategic agility.

We empower you:

  • To respond flexibly to change and secure your competitiveness by continuously adapting your business strategy.
  • To respond quickly to opportunities and maintain and expand your position in a constantly changing environment.
  • To make the process of strategy implementation more transparent by dividing strategic planning into measurable and adaptable steps.
  • To achieve a higher level of commitment and motivation among stakeholders involved in the process within the company.

Agile strategy development

Agile strategy development must take place in interwoven (iterative) loops that follow different time frames and are closely linked to implementation.

  1. Long-term agile strategy development
    This phase sets the framework for the future by defining long-term goals such as the North Star, developing hypotheses and scenarios, identifying strategic priorities and must-win battles.
  2. Short-term agile strategy development
    In this phase, short- to medium-term adjustments and priorities are set, strategic initiatives and iteration goals are defined, resources are allocated and results are measured using KPIs.
  3. Operational implementationThis is where the strategic plans are translated into concrete actions. This is done through agile sprints in which measures are defined and product increments are developed. This phase focuses on the actual implementation and adaptation of the strategy in practice to ensure that the strategic goals are achieved.