
Data-centric business models

Value creation in the markets of the 21st century
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Data power for visionary business models

In today's digital era, data has become a valuable resource. Data-centric business models are revolutionizing the way companies create value today and in the future. The intelligent processing and analysis of data is already at the heart of value creation for many companies. However, established providers of analog products are also increasingly expanding their range to include data-based services. This significantly expands customer benefits and creates additional revenue streams.

Successful in a data-centric world

We support our clients in surviving in a data-centric competitive environment. In doing so, we take a holistic approach to address precisely the 7 areas in which companies can distinguish themselves in the development of new business models. Clients benefit from new revenue streams, stronger operational capabilities, greater automation and improved customer focus, among other things.

Activate strategic potential for success

While most companies want to put data at the heart of their strategy, only a small minority actually use it to (further) develop new business models.

We help you to enter the world of data-centric business models. We build on tried-and-tested best practices and support you in analyzing potential, developing strategies and concepts, testing and concrete implementation.

Get in touch with us

Malte Schröder
Senior Manager
+49 221