

Energy Provider: Harmonization of the Data Structure

The client is one of the leading global electricity producers with its headquarters in Germany. The company is engaged in the generation of electricity from fossil and renewable energy sources as well as in energy and certificate trading and plays a central role in the German energy sector. The client is working on harmonizing its data infrastructure to progress the area of data analytics.


  • Data-driven identification and prioritization of use cases
  • Data thinking cap-map and semi-structured interviews with stakeholders across the enterprise
  • Business cap-map related to data analytics
  • IT cap-map related to data analytics
  • Gap analysis on relevance of IT architecture and data capabilities


  • Technical architecture design and tool selection
  • Implementation roadmap for the architecture
  • Implementation recommendations for one use case
  • Prioritization of the implementation of further use cases


  • The customer understands the advantages and disadvantages of different data analytics solutions and architectures (e.g. cloud vs. on-premise).
  • The customer receives a clear recommendation on what the first steps are for a data analytics platform and what components are needed.
  • The customer gets an overview of the enterprise-wide data analytics efforts.

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