
Integrated Network Infrastructure

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Infrastructure Rethought

The network infrastructure forms the core asset of every carrier. New technologies and changing market requirements open up new ways to provide the best possible coverage, capacity and quality at the lowest possible cost. 

Detecon is your consulting partner for an efficient, convergent & QoS-based expansion of mobile and fixed network infrastructures: new technologies for access networks such as satellites or campus networks, integrated and demand-oriented planning approaches, through the disaggregation of hardware and software in access to the diverse possibilities of cooperation and sharing of infrastructures.

Use Multiple Physical Fixed and Mobile Access Technologies to Provide Seamless Access for all Customers

The range of available access technologies is becoming steadily wider. New technologies enable more capacity and coverage at lower cost. 5G and fiber optic networks set the standard and must be introduced. Complementary technologies can be used to extend the range, e.g. heterogeneous networks or satellites, and to enable private solutions, e.g. 5G campus networks.

Achieve Synergies in Costly Expansion Through Targeted & Upfront Integrated Planning!

Intelligent planning that combines all available data allows you to optimize CapEx & OpEx and improve quality. As input, big data, generated by the crowd, can be used to implement a demand-driven planning. Intelligent tools enable the realization of such comprehensive stationary and mobile planning. In addition, realization problems such as white spots, the compression of small cells can be optimized and synergies e.g. between mobile and fixed planning can be realized.

Access Disaggregation, the Separation of Hardware and Software in the Access Network, Enables more Flexible and Vendor-Independent Design of the Network

We consider the migration from integrated vendor specific black boxes with proprietary interfaces to standard white boxes with open interfaces and separation of data and control plane. Disaggregation allows operators to mix and match equipment to enable faster time-to-market and flexible customized networks. Disaggregation is applicable in the mobile radio network (ORAN) but also in the fixed network (SEBA [SDN-enabled Broadband access]). Access 4.0 provides a concrete example of Fixed Access Disaggregation.

Cooperation & network sharing are enabled in the network to shift CAPEX to OPEX

Don´t do it all yourself! Become a network aggregator instead of a full network owner. Identifying the right model of sharing mobile and fixed network resources can be used to reduce CAPEX without giving up the USP in the market resulting from network differentiation. In addition, energy efficiency by optimal use of resources can be achieved. Read the article about Network Sharing here.